Question of the Day, This WILL Get Asked At The Debates edition.

So the Democrats should start trying to come up with an answer now.

It may take them a while.

6 thoughts on “Question of the Day, This WILL Get Asked At The Debates edition.”

  1. Unless you have in mind some debate moderators completely different than the ones I’ve seen, this question (or any question of substance) will never be asked of Hillary.

    1. Was thinking the same “What debate will she allow her self in where that would be asked?”

    2. Moe said that the question would get asked. He didn’t say that it would be asked by the moderator. Of course, the question then becomes whether Hillary answers it or whether the moderator answers it (a la Candy Crowley on Bengazi).

  2. “It was a different time. We’ve evolved since then. Elect me I’ll repeal it! Go ask Republicans who still support it why they hate the gays so much!” And the press will fall in line.

    None of that means WE shouldn’t hammer the point and make sure it’s brought up over and over as not all voters take their queues from the press, but absent a viable alternative Dem candidate, there is zero chance the press will hit her hard over it.

    1. They held their nose for Bill when he was abusing women. They’ll hold their nose for this.

  3. do we really need to drag the culture war into it? ask her about keystone. of it she’s fine with an iranian bomb like obama is. ask her how she plans to create a reagan-level economic boom. target-rich candidate, people.

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