Tweet of the Day, They Celebrate Earth Day In Style In Wisconsin edition.

Full points on this one.

Contra Mother Jones, though: I don’t think that Scott Walker deliberately set out to lay off those folks on Earth Day itself. Instead, I simply think that Scott Walker doesn’t give a flying leap about Earth Day one way, or the other. Which is, frankly, more entertaining.

8 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, They Celebrate Earth Day In Style In Wisconsin edition.”

  1. “I don’t think that Scott Walker deliberately set out to lay off those folks on Earth Day itself.”
    Everybody, and I mean everybody, continues to underestimate this guy. I personally think he is an evil genius who happens to be on our side.

    1. I remember a Bloom County cartoon where the Meadow Party needed a candidate and Opus called out something like ‘We need an amiable ex-‘B’ movie actor! Is Fred MacMurray available!?!’*
      *IIRC – that was about 30 years ago.

      Scott Walker has that same thing, he has that Fred MacMurray, Jimmy Stewart thing about him. He is so refreshingly normal that it scares the bejeebers out of his opponents.

  2. As the others give grandiose speeches, Walker just keeps doing stuff. I do wonder how so many people miss the importance of that.

    1. They are both in my “top 5”.
      I could easily get behind a “90 long” ticket.

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