Book of the Week: Bride of the Rat God.

Well… Bride of the Rat God is simultaneously about the silent film era of Hollywood; Pekingese dogs; and an ancient, murderous Chinese curse. ….Yes, this is pulp. Quite entertaining pulp, particularly regarding the bits about the Pekingese. They’re apparently much more awesome dogs than I had been previously led to believe. Seriously, this standalone by Barbara Hambly is well worth perusing, especially if you like historical fantasy where you don’t have to take a refresher course in medieval/Renaissance history first.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course.

And so, adieu to Lest Darkness Fall & Related Stories.

7 thoughts on “Book of the Week: Bride of the Rat God.”

  1. I’ve been a longtime fan of Hambly, and this is one of my favorite books by her. It’s a fun read, and I love the title.

  2. Oh, Larry Correia’s first novel, Monster Hunter International is now free on Amazon Kindle as well as Baen Free Library. Be prepare to spend a couple of quality hours as a former gun store owner (and practicing accountant) write how ‘his people (gun enthusiasts) will fare in monster movies (or how if every characters in a monster movie are as well armed as Burt Gummer)

    1. Just downloaded that yesterday, in fact. I’m looking forward to reading it.

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