Hillary Clinton hasn’t focus-tested TPP/TPA yet, and good GOD but it shows

I thank the Lord every night that I don’t have to apologize for this campaign.

Because… wow, that’s just bad. I mean, sure, Hillary Clinton boosters would say that it’s a brilliant move on her part – but then, they’d say that if she suddenly decided to defecate in public and then dance a tarantella on her own excrement. Out here in the real world nobody’s walking away all impressed with Secretary Clinton’s acumen.

Another year of this!  Enjoy, mainstream media!  You got what you wished for! …Good, and hard.

3 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton hasn’t focus-tested TPP/TPA yet, and good GOD but it shows”

  1. And silly leftists are acting like she’s already won the election. Ah well, some people only learn life’s lessons the hard way.

  2. The amazing thing is that technically it’s the right answer. She doesn’t know what’s in it and won’t until it goes to.the senate. But it’s a tone deaf statement.

    1. we won’t know whats in it until it’s passed and the Chinese show up to take control of Hawaii….

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