Tweet of the Day, Making Bernie Sanders The Hipster Candidate Is… Oddly Appropriate, Really edition.

As long as it’s understood by the [air quotes] ‘Serious People’ that they’re still expected to enthusiastically support Hillary Clinton in the general election, of course.

What’s that? Oh, how adorable: some of these [air quotes] ‘Serious People’ still labor under the delusion that they mean anything to the Democratic party besides money and votes. No, no, no: they’re there to do what they’re told, and the sooner the [air quotes] ‘Serious People’ understand this the happier they’re going to be in their stalls.

Have a nice day!

3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Making Bernie Sanders The Hipster Candidate Is… Oddly Appropriate, Really edition.”

  1. So far, every Bernie Sanders fan I’ve encountered has been young and idealistic.
    They’d all follow a Reagan, were one to appear.
    Fan, by the way, is used in something akin to the original meaning.. they don’t demonstrate a solid understanding of what Sanders says .. more of what they would like him to mean.

  2. i think about serious things too. almost none of them involve socialism in one country or rough non-consensual sex.

  3. I would have thought “serious people” took grammar seriously. It actually hurts to read that.

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