Again with this ‘the shutdown was bad for the GOP’ thing!


  • Point: “Republicans largely took the blame for 2013’s government shutdown, so Democrats are calculating that the GOP would again be under fire in a new shutdown crisis, particularly now that they run the Senate as well.”
  • Counter-point: Senate +9 GOP, House +14 GOP, GOV +2 GOP, State SEN control +4 GOP, and State House control +5 GOP in the 2014 election.

Yeah, that danged shutdown really ended up hurting us a lot.

4 thoughts on “Again with this ‘the shutdown was bad for the GOP’ thing!”

  1. …. and can you explain why I hear that point so often in the mouth of the gutless turd D.C. wing of the GOP?
    Cocktail parties? I can buy that, I guess .. Be less of a problem if we ran Congress the way Texas runs their ‘Ledge… they’d spend enough time at home to know who has the pimp paw.

    1. Maybe because they did get the blame for the shutdown, as all the polling shows? People don’t like it when they don’t get their checks, or passports, or any of a dozen things the government does (yes, because they refuse to allow the private sector to do them, but that’s a point perhaps too subtle for many voters.).

      I would say the problem the Democrats had was they could not use that blame to Nationalize the local elections, which is why they lost their shirts. People want stuff done, but they don’t want what the Democrats are selling……

  2. One thing that the poll didn’t ask was whether or not people supported the Republicans because of the shutdown…

    1. This. I “blamed” them for it, but it was “more and longer please” (twss)

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