The first of hopefully many US vs. Japan Giant Fighting Robot duels.

This is beautiful:

Mind you, what will actually happen is that, just as the duel is about to start, the two robot teams will be interrupted by an alien robot invasion.  The Japanese team will then whip up a suitable Plot Device to mount on the robots while the American team retrofits the ACTUAL machine guns (‘just in case’).  Then the two robots will proceed to kick alien robot ass until they’re out of ammo and the Japanese robot has activated the emergency sword (‘just in case’). One of the robot teams will then sacrifice itself so that the other robot team can activate the Plot Device, and save the world.  …I’m surprisingly fine with having the ‘who gets to survive’ going down either way, honestly. “Destroyed while holding on for just long enough to save the world” is about an epic way to go out as one can reasonably expect. Certainly that’s how any self-respect robot fighter would want to go, at least.

Via @scottlincicome.

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