A reminder: if you’re running for office, ALWAYS say in which state or district.

If I have to look you up or do forensic analysis of your site to figure out where you’re from and what office you’re running for, then you – or, more likely, the expert firm you hired – have failed in your/their primary purpose. There are fifty states and 435 Congressional Districts in the United States. Nobody has every single one of them memorized, with all possible candidates and potential candidates. And not many people are going to hand over money to a candidate who doesn’t even tell you where he or she is running.

Seriously, I see this every cycle. This is an easily avoidable mistake. Candidates, please stop making it.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

11 thoughts on “A reminder: if you’re running for office, ALWAYS say in which state or district.”

  1. But fundamentals are SOOOO boring!
    Why have dull old facts, when you can have flash?
    Why look at all those famous GOP consultants!
    They didn’t become rich and semi-famous by doing the old expected effective things. No sir! They got that way by selling a “vision thing*” to candidates!
    *Classical reference

  2. Moe:

    Hate to contradict, but Michael Barone might very well have every single one of them memorized. Of course, he’s one-of-a-kind, so your point still stands.

    1. Okay, YES, the goram MENTAT has them memorized, sure. One person… well, maybe Sean Trende. Two. Two, at the max.

      [offstage] “What about Stu Rothenberg and Charlie Cook?” SHUT UP YOU’RE NOT HELPING.

      1. But do they have every single State Senate, State Assembly, State Representative, and State Delegate seat memorized?

      2. …. would it be helping to point out that it’s their *job* to know those statistics?
        I mean .. it’s not as weird as having memorized the at-bat stats for every Chicago Cubs player since 1942 …

      3. “It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains. The stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.”

  3. there are more than a few people who have memorized the entire Bible. Barone and his ilk *wallow* in that kind of stuff, they almost know it all.

  4. Similarly it’d be nice if newspapers, tv, and radio stations included their town and state in their heading info. It’s wonderful to get a link to a newspaper article and have NO idea where they’re talking about. (e.g. I-95 problems/construction could have problems for me here in Georgia. On the other hand, if it’s a problem up there in Maryland, not so much.

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