Quote of the Day, It’s The ATTITUDE That’s Almost Literally Damning edition.

Every Republican Presidential candidate should follow the advice below with regard to television ads.

Liberals never have a problem making expansive arguments on emotional grounds—the single woman without health care tells all we need to know about Obamacare; the lone shooter tells us all we need to know about guns laws, etc. There is simply no reason that [Dr. Deborah] Nucatola should not be on television ads everywhere, sipping her wine and intimately describing how abortionists squash the life out of unborn babies for money. How many Americans would accept this policy as normal?

To be honest, I’m sort of nervous to find out.

I’m not. But Planned Parenthood should be.  And I think that Planned Parenthood knows that they are – what’s that phrase, again? Ah, yes: “on the wrong side of history.” They’ve already gotten all the people who can spend a lunch hour idly discussing the mechanics and special tricks of baby harvesting; there’s not much room for them to expand, in the field of public opinion. And they’re radicalizing a bunch of people in the other direction.  I should know; I’m one of them.

Via The Federalist.

Moe Lane

3 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, It’s The ATTITUDE That’s Almost Literally Damning edition.”

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth…And I’m being dead serious here. She’d make a perfect mate for Dr. Frost*

      *Classic reference

  1. What are the odds that any presidential candidate, or the Republican Party, or any PAC or group affiliated with the Republican Party however distantly would produce such an ad?

    If such an ad appeared, who would scream loudest against it?

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