Quote of the Day, Yeah, Expect A Lot Of Clinton-Themed Attack Ads Soon. …SOON. edition.

Oh, we will! We will.

The 2016 race is about to turn rough—very rough. Now that almost every conceivable member of the human race has entered the race for the GOP presidential nomination, millions of dollars from superPACs are flooding into the primary elections and the GOP is beginning the process of vilifying likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, this next phase of the election is about to see lots of what campaigns like to euphemistically call “contrast” ads.

Jack Shafer doesn’t mind this, by the way – and, honestly? Neither do I. Oh, I will get as upset as anybody else would when somebody says something mean or false about a candidate that I like.  That’s a human nature thing. But, let’s face it: if a Republican attack ad doesn’t bring up Democratic shenanigans, they often don’t get talked about at all by the media. So if Lefty reporters and pundits want to get all upset that we’re bringing up inconvenient truths about their darlings, then maybe those pundits and reporters should start bringing up some of those inconvenient truths themselves and beat us to the punch.

Via @TheRickWilson.

Moe Lane

2 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, Yeah, Expect A Lot Of Clinton-Themed Attack Ads Soon. …SOON. edition.”

  1. *sigh*
    No, nothing you said, Moe .. I agree, pretty much, that this is the next necessary step.
    I am still concerned that Hillary isn’t the real candidate, which means a lot of money will be blown on oppo research and attack ads .. then we’ll face someone completely different in the general, with the wrong battlespace plan and prep.
    Just a gut feeling, mind, but I’m pretty sure it’s not a tapeworm.

  2. I’ve also got that feeling Acat. I think the Republicans would be better off going after the Democrats as a whole, from the Sanctuary Cities nonsense to the atrocities at Planned Parenthood to the John Doe investigations in Wisconsin to the IRS Tea Party targeting. It’s a target rich environment and it would help with down ticket as well as up ticket races no matter who the eventual candidate is.

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