Quote of the day, Political Coalitions Are FRAGILE edition.

Which is a real shame, sure.

“It would be a terrible mistake for the progressive movement to split into a ‘black lives matter’ movement and an ‘economic justice’ movement,” laments Clinton administration labor secretary Robert Reich. But the fact is that the different priorities of gentry liberals and black activists, two heavily Democratic constituencies, are sparking heated arguments.

…And said arguments are causing the progressive movement to split into a ‘black lives matter’ movement and an ‘economic justice’ movement, so it looks like Bob Reich is going to be having a few sour moments ahead of him, there. And no, I’m not particularly sympathetic. Bob Reich is hardly sympathetic towards me, after all. …And you should see what I originally wrote, there! Or perhaps not.

17 thoughts on “Quote of the day, Political Coalitions Are FRAGILE edition.”

  1. This is the logical outcome of the Dems’ divisa et impera tactics. I smell popcorn in my future…

  2. You know, it would be nice if the Republican leadership would also learn this fact, but I’m not sure that it’s even possible. Half the party could leave and they wouldn’t even notice.

    1. Hardly. What issue is the leadership actually bad on? They’re right on Gun Rights, they’re right on Low Taxes, they’re right on The Right To Life. The only actual squabble the party is having is over “Illegal Immigration”, where a loud, vocal minority is trying to ride people’s distaste for “lawbreaking” into closing the borders, which only the modern “Know Nothings” want to do. And they aren’t going to get anywhere, because they have shown, time and time again, they are the ones who will leave the party at the drop of a hat….

      1. Excuse me, but as someone whose community has been turned upside down by the massive migration of illegal aliens, I must strongly object to your classification of us as “know nothings”.
        We know exactly what we’re objecting to. It is people such as you, who know nothing of the topic, and who have no interest in learning, who are know nothings.
        Nor is the national Republican party “good” on most issues. I don’t recall them ever actually shrinking the size and scope of the federal government. They pay lip service to it, but no more than that. Likewise with budget discipline. Iran? They preemptively surrendered.

      2. “distaste for “lawbreaking””

        Kate Steinle could not be reached for comment.

      3. Perhaps, Robert, you .. need to get out more.
        The suggestion that the only actual squabble is over illegal immigration indicates .. being kind here .. blinkered perception approaching tunnel vision.

      4. Ah, Robert, you missed the really, really big one. The size and constant expansion of the government. There’s not a single person in the Republican leadership that wants to shrink it.
        Oh, and then there’s the issue of the national debt, which is a related, but different issue. Is there a single member of the Republican leadership that even cares? Making hard choices might lose them votes, or even worse, get them disinvited from the cocktail party circuit. The bill on this one will eventually come due, and all but a handful of Republicans in DC are complicit in this one.

  3. Here are my two cents:
    Yes, political coalitions are fragile, and the Right’s coalition is showing some cracks also. Donald Trump wouldn’t be making Perot-like noises if the national GOP leadership wouldn’t disdainfully dismiss the concerns of other factions. Calling members of your coalition ‘whacko birds’ and such isn’t really smart.* The politician who is smart enough to listen to the concerns of others in his coalition and respectfully address them is going to win. Fail to do that and you get a Perot or a Trump.
    *Yes, I realize that “Weepy Boehner” and “Mitch the Turtle” aren’t terms of endearment but politicians, and especially party leaders, need to have thick skins.

    1. Perhaps if the gutless turds with the elephant pins parading around D.C. as though they are somehow special were .. a tad less self-important, a bit more in touch, and in possession of a modicum more grit .. I wouldn’t describe them in such fragrant terms, eh?

      1. It is a two-way street acat. I think I got into that a little bit in my comment. Perhaps instead of yelling out the insults maybe there should be a demand that if you want support maybe you should actually lead and address concerns?

        I don’t know if that has been done or can be done right now. The starboard side of the internet seems to be filled with people seeing how long and loud they can scream profanity about people in DC.
        One thing I do know is that screaming insults is sure as heck not going to get your actual concerns addressed because why give a screaming jackass the time of day?

        1. A fair point .. which is one reason why I keep my frustration-venting deliberately separate from the rest of my life.

  4. The Whigs had the right position on slavery too, up until the moment a small but vocal minority of their voting base realized they weren’t ever going to do anything about it. The Republicans only have the right position on Gun Rights, Low Taxes, and Right to Life because small but vocal minorities have gone out of their way to defeat anyone who espoused the other view. But voters are getting tired of having to hit the party with a 2×4 every time they want to get it’s attention.

    1. There is no way, Catseyes, for voters to get lazy and not use the 2×4…
      Every time that has happened, we end up .. well .. *here*. Voters got all excited and elected Reagan, then went home .. and we got Bush 1.0 and Clinton. Voters got all excited and elected the Dittohead Caucus, then went home .. and we got Boehner and McConnell.
      Voters need to understand this is a permanent fight, there is no “end of hostilities”… the politicians, so far, have been successful by waiting us out.

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