Tweet of the Day, Just Look At The Tweet If You Don’t Want… Complications edition.

The tweet is very straightforward.

…but the background story is not. You see, the woman who killed the serial killer was a prostitute, and it very much looks like the serial killer was somebody who went after prostitutes because society largely does not care about what happens to prostitutes. And I hate to say it, but that’s not entirely untrue. Ask anybody who works on human trafficking in this country if you don’t believe me. Or not; it’s rarely a pleasant conversation.

Well, at least this guy was stopped.

3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Just Look At The Tweet If You Don’t Want… Complications edition.”

  1. An unpleasant or socially repulsive life is still a life ..
    Perhaps “Les Miserables” should be mandatory viewing in middle school ..

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