Book of the Week: “Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary.”

OK, I admit it: I’m saving JRR Tolkien’s Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary for Pennsic.  Gotta have something to read while I’m waiting for the rain to stop, the dancing to start, or the beer to get cold. But my wife read it, and she liked it, and shoot, it’s JRR Tolkien.  It’s not like I’m taking some kind of hideous risk here.

And so, adieu to A Matter for Men, which was apparently a touch more, ah, controversial a choice than I had hitherto imagined.

5 thoughts on “Book of the Week: “Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary.””

  1. he won’t finish the damn thing is all, i think. not unlike historical illumimatus. at least wilson had a good excuse to not finish it….

    1. There’s also the little fact that he’d like a lot of us to die in a grease fire.

  2. And you’re looking at a translation by the guy who
    singlehandedly changed the thinking on “Beowulf”. Good on you.

  3. I haven’t made the time to savour the entire thing. But the bits I’ve tackled have definitely been everything you’d expect.

  4. Sure Gerrold is a disgusting white supremacist, but the real problem is that ‘A Matter For Men’ isn’t John Wright’s ‘Somewhither’.

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