Quote of the Day, This Is What Why You Must Not Look Away From @PPAct edition.

Full confession: I haven’t seen the latest baby-harvesting video yet, and I’m not looking forward to watching it, either. The video playback on this thing isn’t too good. But I’m going to have to, because what John Kass is saying here is a true thing

…the issue isn’t whether abortion is legal. Abortion has been legal for decades. That’s not going to change.

This is something else again: Reducing human life to a commodity, subject to market whims, where the “procedure” (meaning abortion) is altered so that the fetal organs may be kept intact, to be bartered and sold.

You can say that it’s not human life. And many do. But in this case, using euphemisms is a shield. I suppose we can convince ourselves that the research “materiel” is not human, until of course, you see a lab tech with tweezers pick up a tiny limb.

Everybody needs to see. The people who are horrified by this awfulness, just as much as the people who don’t want to think about it.  Even more so, really.

4 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, This Is What Why You Must Not Look Away From @PPAct edition.”

  1. Or try this . Propose to those liberals who endorse organ harvest of babies for research , would they be OK doing the same as a form of capital punishment . Ananthesize the condemned , exsanguinate them and harvest the organs . Painless and !Science! would be pleased . I’m having some liberal friends for dinner tonight ( ‘with a nice chianti’ / I couldn’t resist ) , I’ll see how that flies .

    1. ChiComs do it with a bullet in the neck for that reason. Keeps a lot of the interesting organs mostly intact, and has some practical advantages over a blade to the neck.
      Anesthesia might do unwanted things to the organs.

  2. could we start a rumor that PP catches stray dogs and sells them to the nasty Asian buffets?

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