It’s back to school time!

I got reminded of this last night: I have trouble remembering that down here in Maryland the school year starts BEFORE Labor Day. So, you know, a week and a half, tops.  Which means… it’s back to school time!  Get most of this stuff now so you won’t have to raid the Target the weekend before.

Or, you know, just go to the stores now if you don’t wanna hit the link above. It’s cool. Clearly this guy is enjoying the physical shopping experience:

I can dig it.

Moe Lane

9 thoughts on “It’s back to school time!”

  1. I’m actually going to miss them.
    OTOH,I have a bunch of things I need to finish before winter…
    That’s much easier without “help”.

  2. Schools near me here in Georgia started back to school on August 3. I still find that freaky as heck.

      1. Last county in my area (W.Central Ga.)started school yesterday, I think. No kids of my own, so I don’t really keep up, but it’s impossible/ to miss the relieved sighs of so many adults…

        1. Okay, my bold tag missed, somehow… >:/ Was supposed to be only for the word ‘impossible’

  3. Junior Cat has been out of school for a while now ..
    I find that watching “back to school” prep, rather than having to *participate*, is .. more enjoyable.

  4. Out straight here at the University tech office to get all our upgrades done. Just in time for the professors and students* to come in and break them again.
    Fortunately, then we simply wait for the phone calls and ask them “did you plug it in?”, which is simpler** than installing said plug-able devices.
    *but mostly professors.
    **yet equaly facepalm-inducing

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