I dunno about the rest of you…

…but this is the most joyless political silly season I’ve suffered through since I started this gig. I’m pretty much done with it, and it’s still a couple of weeks before Labor Day and the resumption of real news. I’m almost ready to welcome a sex scandal, or something.

Just felt the need to get that off my chest.

22 thoughts on “I dunno about the rest of you…”

  1. Funny, I’m enjoying the hell out of it.
    I’ve never experienced one that was nearly so enjoyable.
    BTW, did you hear Kasich today say that we need to focus less on abortion, and more on climate change?
    I’m pretty sure that NRO wishes they could take back the column they posted Friday touting him as our best hope.

    1. Actually, I have to agree. Seeing all the pundits and RNC types starting to panic is kind of fun. Now, if I thought Trump would actually win the nomination it might be less fun. Although I’d pick him over, say, anyone that Karl Rove would be happy with, but pretty much behind everyone else.

  2. Let’s see: The Democrat frontrunner likely broke many national security laws and is being investigated by the man who needs said frontrunner to secure his legacy. The vulgar GOP frontrunner was, up to a couple years ago, a raging liberal/progressive and invited the Democrat frontrunner to his wedding.
    This honestly would be funny, in a movie.

  3. All three parties are locked in a win-or-die scenario.
    The Tea Party cannot tolerate another D.C. Beltway candidate .. and the .. look I’m trying to be nice here .. more easily distracted by loud, shiny things members of the party have glommed onto Trump as their hero, mostly because he’s loud and luxurious..
    The hard left cannot tolerate another D.C. Beltway candidate … and have locked onto economic illiterate and possibly ineligible candidate Bernie Sanders as the answer..
    The D.C. Beltway cannot afford allowing either of the not-D.C. Beltway candidates to win.
    It’s joyless because, at this point, it’s .. a grudge match, all the way around. I don’t expect it to get any better. Whoever wins, there’s .. almost no way, short of an existential crisis, for the winner to be anything other than president of *part* of America ..

    1. acat, I am far from beltway, but even I can see the Troll as not being the answer.
      Walker is the answer. The man got real conservative results. If people don’t see that, then they don’t deserve him.

      1. Which is fine, Gator, but .. it rather damns the rest of us to live with the government *they* deserve.

      2. And if a significant part of the Beltway cadre lined up behind Walker, Cruz, or Jindal, a large part of Trump’s support would evaporate and coalesce around that candidate .
        But that shows no sign of happening.
        I freely admit being opportunistic in supporting Trump. I’m far from alone in that.
        The movers and shakers in the GOP have stacked the deck to shove yet another squishy charlatan down our throats. Trump fits that role better than their chosen candidates. May they have the joy of it. They stacked up an overwhelming amount of money behind Jeb to steal the oxygen from the other candidates. Now they face a candidate that doesn’t need to buy exposure. May they have the joy of it.
        Given my druthers, I’d love to have an actual conservative win the primaries.
        But the ground rules of the race make that next to impossible.
        So, I’m perfectly happy to destroy the beltway bunch instead. Heck, I’ll bring matches and marshmallows.
        It’s brinkmanship, with the added advantage that I really don’t care if we go over. It’s not like Trump is worse than Jeb, Kasich, etc.
        The establishment of the GOP can either pledge fealty to an actual conservative, or they can burn on a pyre of their own making.

        1. Like I said .. win-or-die grudge match.
          I don’t think Trump has any particular staying power, but I also don’t think the gutless turds of the D.C. establishment are ready to admit they have to back an outsider or get used to life under [Clinton|Sanders] ..

          1. But grudge matches are fun, especially so when you’re humiliating your opponent.
            And win-or-die clarifies the stakes beautifully.
            Between the two, I’d say Trump has as much staying power as he needs.

        2. Given my druthers, I’d love to have an actual conservative win the primaries.
          But the ground rules of the race make that next to impossible.
          So, I’m perfectly happy to destroy the beltway bunch instead. Heck, I’ll bring matches and marshmallows.

          Luke, I think you have been taken in. Trump is just as much the Beltway’s candidate as Hillary or Jeb. He’s a multi-billionaire with close ties to the Clintons and Wall Street. Right now he’s performing an important function for the Beltway mob: sucking the oxygen out of the room to suffocate Walker, Cruz, and Jindal. When he fades/gets bored/commits an inexcusable gaffe, who will be left as viable candidates? That’s right … Hillary and Jeb.

          1. If I were Trump, I’d be watching Hillary and wondering if the promised check will actually appear .. and then clear ..

          2. Two problems with that.
            One, he’s a raving egomaniac, and a very clever one. Attempting to use him as a pawn is guaranteed to backfire rather spectacularly.
            Two, the Beltway mob doesn’t need help to strangle conservative canidacies in the crib. By this time last cycle, all the candidates with conservative credentials had been typecast and were wearing a good deal of mud, while Romney was starting his cruise toward inevitability. Instead, Cruz is gaining ground, Walker is holding steady, while Bush and Kasich are flailing and fading.
            Is he a squish?
            No doubt.
            But so is Jeb, who would otherwise be riding name recognition, a huge pile of money, a large number of sympathetic media connections, preference cascade dynamics, and a significant number of dirty tricks to a commanding lead.
            Which would only grow when purple Iowa and blue New Hampshire have their say.

  4. i don’t imagine the 1860 election was that much fun either, or its aftermath. likewise 1968. we got thru those eventually. it’s all the anger floating around. peace, Moe. it’ll work out.

  5. I think this is a good place to post my “Theory of Trump”…
    I think there is a large segment of people on our side that just want someone to be an a-hole to the other side because they are tired of the last 15 years or so of the Democrats being a-holes to them without as much as a defense from our elected guys and gals.
    It’s way beyond “he fights”, just be a mean, nasty person to the other side because the left was able to do so and elect far-left Obama in the process.
    I think the bonus of being mean and nasty to the elected R’s who haven’t defended our side is quite satisfying too.
    I don’t think it lasts, because adult party.
    I’d rather some of the other candidates at the least acknowledge that anger – I think Cruz has, I think Carly has.
    But I could be wrong 🙂

    1. Dude, squick.
      Yes,I know there are stories. One of my wife’s friends claims to have witnessed something incriminating along those lines with respect to Mrs. Clinton.
      Doesn’t mean I want to imagine it.

      1. weren’t there some sexy type emails on that server? to Huma and some others? what ever happened to that?

    2. Eh, a sex scandal between Hillary and Huma isn’t going to damage her, in fact it might help her with the LGBTQ+ squad.

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