Tweet of the Day, Here Is Today’s Lesson In Physics, Class edition.

(Via @EdDriscoll) Newton’s Third Law: For every action there is an equal, and opposite reaction.

In this case, when the lid of the pressure cooker/canner decided to attempt to reach escape velocity the actual cooker/canner itself was pushed down. And it turns out that the stove’s surface did not have the structural integrity to withstand that particular sudden application of force. Which is why they say…

Although admittedly they’re talking about Newton’s First Law, there.

4 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Here Is Today’s Lesson In Physics, Class edition.”

  1. Check your pressure release valves, people. There’s a lot of power in steam. It powered the world for centuries.

    1. Actually, it still does. Coal, nuclear, geothermal are all used just to heat water and run steam turbines; and hydroelectric uses the force of flowing water rather than steam.

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