Tweet of the Day, So Why DO Voters Dislike Hillary, Then? edition.

This is one heck of a good question.

I mean, does Brooklyn even KNOW the answer to that?

3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, So Why DO Voters Dislike Hillary, Then? edition.”

  1. Since I have no idea whether Brooklyn is a person or a borough .. I’ll take a stab at it.
    We’re in 2015. Right now, the idealists – the ones who want to vote *for* someone (or some ideal) are dominating the polls and the news.
    These aren’t the voters – mindset’s different, even if the flesh is the same – who will vote *against* someone else come 2016..
    Right now, they *don’t* want to vote “for a crook, but our crook” .. they want to vote for the fever-dream of free college.
    I find that I’m fighting down a giddy glee over the thought of a “McGovern Moment”..

  2. I’ll hazard a guess. Hillary’s numbers are being driven down because, deep within, voters understand that she is actually Hillary.

  3. there’s a recurring bug in her Friendly And Likable 5.0 and 6.0 is not available yet. Bill’s 9.0 crashed her badly and no one else on their side is even close to that except Biden and he won’t share.

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