Russian hackers trying to phish Hillary Clinton’s servers? …Okayyyy.

I dunno. There’s just something about this paragraph that makes me want to go have a drink. I honestly don’t what it is, though:

Among the emails released Wednesday were five that appear to be random attempts by hackers to penetrate Mrs. Clinton’s email system. The messages appear to be notices of speeding tickets from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. But the emails are well known as phishing attempts by hackers in Russia. It is not clear whether Mrs. Clinton clicked on the malware-infected messages.

There’s just the faintest odor of dread coming off of that. But there’s nothing I can put my finger on, though.  Maddening.

Moe Lane

PS: In contrast, the fact that Hillary Clinton can’t turn her own phone’s ringer on is small beer, really. That’s just a sign that Hillary Clinton is getting on in years.  It’s like there are more dang buttons every year, you know what I mean?

7 thoughts on “Russian hackers trying to phish Hillary Clinton’s servers? …Okayyyy.”

  1. Remember when the worst scandal ever was when a few politically-appointed lawyers were fired for political reasons? Yeah…. I miss those days too.

    1. Don’t worry, the media will promptly forget that Hillary ever had a single scandal the minute her campaign craters…

  2. My thought is that the phishing efforts were part of just a general search for information and not an organized effort target at Hillary Clinton. That is what should be thought of as scary – random, everyday internet hackers and crooks got into her server – which means that those who were specifically targeting her….

  3. So random script kiddies in Russia knew about Hillary’s secret, private email on her secret, private server.
    In fact this server was so secret and private that the US Government claims to be shocked at the very existence of the thing.

    Surely there’s an innocuous reason for this.
    Maybe you can come up with one, because I’m drawing a blank.

    1. Because the White House was reading all of Hillary’s e-mails in real time and decided the risk was worth what they were getting. I suppose if Hillary’s candidacy had been more viable they would have held onto the information in order to blackmail her administration into doing what they want. Since her candidacy is showing problems they can use this to kill it and back Joe Biden.
      Kind of poetically fitting that Hillary has provided her enemies with the means to destroy her.

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