18 Days to go on the Delta Green Kickstarter.

…and it’s going well. And by which I mean it’s taken up every penny that I have been given or scrounged to this point*, and promises to bust my budget some more in the very near future. The shipping charges on this are going to be huge. HUGE!

The folks at Arc Dream** are pretty much pushing this Kickstarter across the social medias as well. ‘Mediae?’ – At any rate, the more places it ends up, the more free stuff I get as an insanely all-in backer. So let’s not pretend that I’m an disinterested observer here, OK?

Moe Lane

*I did not collect the $250 in one day to hit that ‘buy the six volumes hardback’ goal, alas.  Which is just as well; there’s a lot of discrete hardbacks appearing in this Kickstarter.

**For those coming in late: Delta Green is ‘Cthulhu Mythos’ meets ‘X-Files’ meets ‘Your guns won’t save you.’ Definite cult status among roleplayers, if you’ll pardon the pun…

5 thoughts on “18 Days to go on the Delta Green Kickstarter.”

  1. I’m loving all the free pdfs.
    And also that I’m going to get the agent’s book for free as a bonus for buying the casemanager book.
    But Ken Hite’s upcoming book is taunting me. It’s clearly outside my budget, yet it’s ever so tempting.

      1. It is, and I want that too, but I was talking about The Fall of Delta Green, available as an add-on for the low, low price of $25 pdf, or $50 print.

        1. Oh, yeah, that one. I handled THAT problem via the simple trick of being weak-willed and breaking early. Although having insanely generous readers never hurts. 🙂

  2. is there, someplace, something like “kickstarter for old fogies”? just wondering…

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