Why Sheryl Crow is a bit of an idiot.

It’s not because of this:

…that’s just a tacit admission about how dull tomorrow’s debate is going to be. No, Sheryl Crow is a bit of an idiot for saying this:

“There are a lot of people who have no business being pundits…”

While I applaud her accurate self-assessment, Ms. Crow made an unacceptably broad generalization here.  True, I admit that our celebrity-entertainer class is uniquely unsuited to talk about any sort of substantive issue; but they represent a fraction of the American voting public, and we forget that at our peril.  Mind you, Sheryl Crow is being a rather useful idiot, here: after all, the Democratic party would love nothing better than to have everybody decide that they have no business being pundits, when it comes to this debate. In fact, the Democratic party would love nothing better than to have no amateur pundits at all…

2 thoughts on “Why Sheryl Crow is a bit of an idiot.”

  1. I would attend to Ms. Crow if she would offer opinions and advice on the music/entertainment industries. That is, however, the extent of her expert knowledge.
    (Note: Another act to get the middle-aged (me!) interested in what is going on with the Democrats. If they want the girls they got to get Taylor Swift or someone like that, not someone who was the latest twenty years ago.)

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