Tweets of the Day, Witness How The Left Must Contort ITSELF Now edition.

God, it’s perfect, isn’t it?

Well, for a given value of perfect.

Moe Lane

PS: For those wondering: ‘cis’ means ‘people whose gender identity matches their genitals,’ more or less. You would not believe how worked up this concept can get some of the harcore linguists on the Activist Left. Or how badly they react when you roll your eyes at their desperate need to fringe 99+% of the population*.

*I’ve heard the alternate percentages, yes. I just don’t believe them.

4 thoughts on “Tweets of the Day, Witness How The Left Must Contort ITSELF Now edition.”

  1. I’ve often thought that the higher percentages I’ve heard stem from a fairly simple mistake. The people who are most concerned with these issues take the people in their immediate circle as being a representative sample and extrapolate from there.

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