Democrats: Help us, Al Franken! You’re our only hope!

I don’t know what’s funnier about this article: I mean, is it that it’s uncritically repeating stuff like this…

In a rare interview in his Capitol office, the Minnesotan described his most ambitious effort yet to help elect Democrats in his more than six years in Washington. Franken is using his celebrity to help raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Democratic candidates, and Democrats are relying on him to play an outsize role, alongside high-profile senators like Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker, to pick up the five seats the party needs to flip the Senate in 2016.

…without explaining once which five (they actually mean six, because Vice Presidents break all ties) seats are going to go*? Or is it that the Democrats are apparently relying on a guy who gets lost in the Senate halls?

On a recent October afternoon, Democratic Sen. Al Franken mistakenly ambled toward the Mansfield Room, where the party in control — namely Republicans — meets weekly to hash out strategy.

“I keep thinking we’re in the majority,” the second-term Franken chuckled to a colleague as he changed course to the smaller Lyndon Baines Johnson Room.

Because, trust me: everybody else has figured out who’s in charge these days**.

Moe Lane

*Which is where it always falls down, of course. Easier to say that you need six seats than to explain the strategy for each of those seats. Not to mention how the Democrats plan to hold onto Colorado and Nevada, each of which will require crazy amounts of resources and attention.

**Halt.  One of you is about to make a sour joke at the Republican party’s expense.  Every time one of you does that, a progressive Democrat somewhere will grin nastily, drop his pants, and start vigorously masturbating in response.  …Has that Democrat paid you? No?  Then don’t make the joke.

5 thoughts on “Democrats: Help us, Al Franken! You’re our only hope!”

  1. The sheer number of seats give them hope, but the actual mood of the country is not the same thing. If there are presidential coattails, all bets are off.

  2. > Franken is using his celebrity


    I believe this is a place where kids these days would say “lol”.

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