Mass Effect: Andromeda to have bigger galaxy map, Mako.

At least, that’s the word.  And no Commander Shepard, which is simultaneously depressing and reassuring. Just because I want her back doesn’t mean that it’d be good to bring her back.  My reaction is all very narrative-based, I suppose.

Bad news? They’re gonna be pushing multiplayer.  Of course.  There’s money in that. …Sorry. Letting the cynicism seep in.

3 thoughts on “Mass Effect: Andromeda to have bigger galaxy map, Mako.”

  1. Cynicism is just an ugly word for pattern recognition.
    Multiplayer is easier to code–since the AI scripts are necessarily very basic, almost infinitely replayable, and a big moneymaker–both for EA and the premium XBoxLive/PlayStation services.
    From the POV of the game companies, what’s not to love?

  2. Mako – ugh. That was my least favorite part of the first one, the ‘try and figure out how in the world to drive the mako there’, and the long ‘mako on a rail’ missions were basically unbeatable on the hardest difficulty because you were one-shot by the large geth in the distance, unless you got out and just finished them off with 30-40 sniper rounds, one at a time. The mako parts were so painful at times that I figured there had to be some producer that refused to cut it, since they spent so much money coding and on art assets.
    Just say no to more mako.

    1. I loved the mako. It was tons of fun, you can’t beat sniping something across the map with a tank cannon, and taking it through the Conduit was truly a crowning moment of awesome.

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