Tweet of the Day, Let’s You And Him Fight, With Flamethrowers edition.

Flamethrowers, at ten feet, in a room with a six inch gasoline puddle*:

That’d be spiffy, really.

Moe Lane

*Not original to me, but I forget who said it first.

12 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Let’s You And Him Fight, With Flamethrowers edition.”

      1. I was gonna go with “injuries” myself, but in this case, I’ll upgrade to full-on fatalities, as in Mutual Assured Destruction.

  1. What’s the emotion you are suppose to feel when a morally bankrupt man shows more spine than the morally bankrupt man that is supposed to be your leader?

        1. I must disagree slightly with Luke.
          Depression is an acceptable thing to feel, as are disgust, annoyance, contempt, and .. a queasy loathing similar to that you’d feel toward potatoe salad that’s been on the table at a Baptist pot luck for over 6 hours …
          *Stopping* on any of those is no more recommended than eating said potatoe salad..
          One must move through those stages, to arrive at indignation, and thence to action to *replace* said sack of crap.

          1. In theory.
            In practice, you merely replace one sack of crap with another sack of crap. Hopefully one that’s slightly less crappy, but you won’t know for sure until you open it up and see what spills out.
            Decay is a choice, but one a majority of the population and the establishment of both political parties have actively embraced.

          2. @ Luke: You gotta make sure you’re sack of crap got filled on the clean side of the sewer…

  2. Before anyone starts anything that could get out of hand, I just want to remind everyone here that this Imperial Marine platoon is nuke-capable. Now, what were you saying, sir? – Platoon First Sergeant, Imperial Marines, Villias, during negotiations with the Vargr.*

    *I made that up just for fun.

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