Awww, crud.

The problem with accurate weather forecasting is that it’s not really helpful, sometimes.  Take this, for example

Knowing that the Imperial District is going to go stark, raving, Nyarlathotep-in-the-streets mad, starting Thursday night doesn’t actually help matters any. I can’t stop them from going nuts over the snow, after all.  Instead? Now I just have something to dread.

4 thoughts on “Awww, crud.”

  1. Moe, how accurate are DC area winter weather forecasts four days out? Examining pig entrails is as good at prediction. By Wednesday the forecast will be either clear for Friday or snow with SMOD.

  2. This is an opportunity to teach the younger Lanes how to survive and/or hone their Pennsic skillz ..
    “We stock up on X, Y, and Z; we have (candles/oil lamps), we have a (gas stove/wood-burning fireplace) for a heat source not dependent on electricity…”
    From my experience, much of the non-martial SCA works rather well when the lights go out *if* proper planning has been done.

  3. I remember winter in Tennessee.
    It was hilarious.
    Hey, I grew up on a ranch. In wintertime, we had a month’s worth of supplies on hand, just in case. (We never had to use more than slightly half that, but…) This includes firewood and kerosene.
    So seeing people absolutely lose their shiitake about the prospect of possibly going a couple of days was completely surreal.

  4. Dear Gahd, Moe:
    Don’t these people realize that they live on the (GASP) the Mason-Dixon Line in the northern Mid-Atlantic/southern New England region? And, that it is JANUARY in the northern hemisphere? I figured snow was a foregone conclusion.
    (I grew up in north central West Virginia, in the mountains around Snowshoe/Canaan ski resorts – outside Elkins, specifically. School was called only when there was FEET on the ground and INCHES compacted on the roads – I mean, that IS what chains are for, after all.)

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