We may now proceed with public vote-shaming.

If you’re below the age of twenty-five, this news should alarm you.

Basically, the courts ruled that you can in fact take a selfie of yourself with your ballot, despite the fact that it was previously against the law. And why was it against the law? Because, as that text in that picture noted: “The law against what have come to be called ballot selfies was designed to keep people from being bribed or coerced into voting a certain way.” …But that no longer applies!  So, guess what’s gonna happen in future Election Days?  That’s right: you’re gonna be social-media shamed by people for not ‘showing your pride in your vote!’ – And God forbid that you vote the wrong way, of course.  God forbid.

Gonna be exciting when that percolates all the way down, huh?

Moe Lane

8 thoughts on “We may now proceed with public vote-shaming.”

  1. Live by the selfie, die by the selfie. Why anyone would want a permanent record of how they ever voted is beyond the stupid.
    Tangentially, I got one of those “voter-shaming” mailers last year. Public record showed me not voting here back in 2008. No one bothered to ask if I had not moved to the state yet, in effect shaming me for not breaking federal law.

  2. The one unequivocally good thing to come out of the Progressive movement was the secret ballot.
    It was nice while it lasted.

  3. there’s a special place in hell for men who don’t support other men. vote Bernie. it’s the… right… thing to do.

  4. Support Bernie: It’s the Right Thing To Do.
    “Hello, I’m washed up celebrity trying to keep myself out of debtor’s prison. Are you old? Do you have tendencies to nag? Do you want to control things from beyond the grave but have no real wealth?
    Then don’t worry – vote. Yes with your vote you can control the future and show those punks on your lawn where they get off. Voting effects not only schools but recreation. With your votes the apple-cheeked urchins can be sent from bright sunny classrooms to the festering holes of punishment you escaped from; and with voting you can send money to Tapioca Appreciation Day and have that annoying skate park bulldozed!
    But don’t just vote – vote for a standard bearer, one who truly has fossilized all of your concerns and beliefs within his calcium-lime fused soul. That’s right, Bernie Sanders!
    Bernie is old! Bernie is cranky! Bernie lectures random people in line with him! Bernie is the high-pitched voice of your generation!
    Bernie will give you everything you need – Rascals, orthopedic canes, supra-lift recliners – and more! To make it better, Bernie will make all of those hipster slackers slave away to support you in the comfort and napping style you deserve!
    Vote now and receive not one, but two sets of spinner hubs for your Rascal!
    Vote Bernie! Those punks deserve it!

    1. Ummm…I have no idea where that came from, it just kind of came out of a riff on Old Glory Robot Insurance and took off from there…
      Sorry; I’ll try to be good.

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