So now the wife has the Cough…

…I’m getting over the Cough (but not enough to drive), and the kids are in boundless-energy mode because they no longer have the Cough. This is ever so much fun and no, we don’t have the Zika virus. Completely different symptoms, and don’t think that I didn’t check.

Sorry that these aren’t exactly fascinating and/or scintillating posts or anything, but I’m not really doing anything right now except stare into space, blankly.  Every so often I load up Fallout 4 and shoot zombies with a shotgun at close range, then Stimpack my compound fractures* away.  I apparently think that this is funny. At least, that’s the excuse I keep giving myself.

Moe Lane

PS: I don’t even know how to record myself playing these games, sorry. And doesn’t everybody else already do that, anyway?

*My unique shotgun does explosive damage. Great fun for clearing a room, but if they jump you then a point-blank hit will cripple you, too. Luckily I have all the Stimpacks…

2 thoughts on “So now the wife has the Cough…”

  1. Sir, I salute you and your families fortitude! Though the plague has passed through my household as well, you did it while having multiple snow days and I’m pretty sure my household would have descended to open warefare under those conditions.

  2. Staring blankly into space can be fun.
    With that in mind, when flies land on the ceiling, do they do a half roll, or a half loop?
    (A speedy recovery to you and yours.)

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