Tweet of the Day, Add The Skull Of Thrones To The BadThought Pile edition.

Guess who didn’t react well to Gov. Scott Walker (sky-high approval ratings among Republicans in Wisconsin) endorsing Ted Cruz?

I suppose it must be wearying, waking up every morning and wondering, What accomplishment or inspirational figure must I learn to hate today?  Then again, nobody told these people to walk down that road. In fact, there was a lot of yelling and waving-off going on at the time…

7 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Add The Skull Of Thrones To The BadThought Pile edition.”

  1. Heh. So that’s how Walker’s playing it. Interesting.
    I didn’t see a way for him to back Kasich or Trump, but wasn’t sure he’d go so far as to endorse.
    Taking the time from when Walker dropped out until the endorsement as all deal-making seems unlikely, although he may have waited just to see who was still in…
    I wonder what Walker got for the trouble.

    1. –I wonder what Walker got for the trouble.
      A Cruz admin slot? I could see him at Treasury. He could begin to clean out the Augean Stables the IRS has become.

  2. Yeah, maybe Walker should have been like Trump and defaulted on 4.7 billion dollars of debt.

  3. I wait in anticipation for the latest developments. The only prediction is that all of your predictions are worthless. Stop your scrying, leave the flight of birds alone – all of that. For now you all are in the House of Sheogorath where the cheese is excellent.

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