Florida Man representing Corey Lewandowski is… Florida Man.

I’m with the Asian woman behind Corey Lewandowski (who has been arrested for misdemeanor battery). Like her, I can’t help but feel that this isn’t what I ordered, either. I was promised something different than this, dammit.

What’s that? It’s not quite Florida Man territory yet? …Well, the lawyer (Kendall Coffey) in question was an US Attorney at the time who then went on to be one of the lawyers in Bush v. Gore. For the Democrats.

Yeah. Now it’s Florida Man.

Tweet of the Day, Add The Skull Of Thrones To The BadThought Pile edition.

Guess who didn’t react well to Gov. Scott Walker (sky-high approval ratings among Republicans in Wisconsin) endorsing Ted Cruz?

I suppose it must be wearying, waking up every morning and wondering, What accomplishment or inspirational figure must I learn to hate today?  Then again, nobody told these people to walk down that road. In fact, there was a lot of yelling and waving-off going on at the time…

Productive birthday, albeit one with physical labor involved.

To wit: getting a new bed up four flights of stairs. Thankfully, not all at once. And thank God for modular box springs, let me tell you. Good birthday overall, though. Got my present early – a nice, new 27 inch monitor. Trying to figure out how I operated without one for all this time…

I find this Eartha Kitt song… subtly off.

I keep wanting to treat it as a webcam session, despite the fact that it was obviously made before ‘webcam’ was more than an outre sci-fi gimmick. Which it kind of still feels like to me, honestly. The future showed up in fits and pieces, huh?

Still. This is good, but a little surreal. I’m not even sure what larger piece this Eartha Kitt bit taken from, here. Although I could look it up… oh, hey, we’re right back in the future.

Let’s workshop this chicken stew.

I’ve been slow-cooking the original cut-up chicken breasts in chicken broth and a little bit of water for a couple of hours now. I’ve got the carcass of an other chicken to mine for the dark meat, yes; and going to add the potatoes in a couple of hours, sure. Salted, peppered, onion powder, a couple of bay leaves, some herbs de Provence (whatever the heck those are). No actual onions this time, because they never come out the way that I want them to. Anyway, what am I missing? Actual dumplings are probably beyond my skill level, although I have a damaged refrigerated pie crust that I could probably turn into impromptu lumps of dough.

This is an entertaining Charlie Sykes/Donald Trump interview…

…and bear in mind that I’m calling it ‘entertaining:’


Apparently nobody told Trump that Charlie Sykes was going to wait all of thirty seconds before the knife came out. Particularly entertaining is that Trump probably thinks that he won that interview, because Sykes let him ramble on. But if that was supposed to make people like Trump in Wisconsin, well, it didn’t work. Particularly since Charlie Sykes gave the dude a couple shots to apologize…