I know that I’m supposed to be infuriated by this ‘Snowden’ trailer…

…but Jesus but it looks bad.

I mean, didn’t anybody tell Joseph Gordon-Levitt that he shouldn’t have made it sound like Snowden had recently had a stroke and didn’t quite make it to the hospital before his Golden Hour was up?

Moe Lane

PS: Hey, look, Nick Cage! In an Oliver Stone movie! Yeah, there’s no way that’s gonna go surreal.

5 thoughts on “I know that I’m supposed to be infuriated by this ‘Snowden’ trailer…”

  1. How does anyone give Oliver Stone the time of day? He hasn’t made a successful movie in decades. “Studio Accounting” someone’s laundry is my guess.

    1. Because he makes “important” films. If you’re a studio exec, after you greenlight “Money Maker2016”, you can then greenlight “Oliver Stone’s Latest Rantings” and then wow folks at the dinner parties about how forward thinking you are.

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