Two weeks to Fallout 4’s Far Harbor.

Looks like we’re going to Maine!  …Whereupon it will, in accordance with standard practice, be firmly but inexorably put under the command of the Queen of the Girl Scouts*.  Because apparently the ability to pick things up on one’s own was somehow bred out of the human race…

Drops May 19th, brothers and sisters…

Moe Lane

*I don’t care how angry you got at Mass Effect 3; this was a perfect line.

6 thoughts on “Two weeks to Fallout 4’s Far Harbor.”

  1. .. I probably ought to pick up Fallout 4 ..
    The main problem being I need to pick up an *entirely new platform* upon which to play it .. and then dedicate at least several weeks to learning the new controls as well as the new landscape.

    1. I’m in the same boat. (And have no shortage of other demands on my budget. Plus, I have a virtual buttload of games via XBox Live Gold that I really should get around to playing sometime.)

  2. I’ve spent this week of doom on a ship in the Caribbean, which has made it seem less doom-ish. I do have faith in the universe, things will eventually work out, regardless of how they seem now.

    1. I am in a similar mental boat, if not bobbing around in a *literal* one.
      This is temporary .. with the caveat that *everything* is temporary.
      Hey Moe, if you’re looking for musical suggestions, spin Kansas’ “Dust in the Wind”, huh? Good perspective-adjustment song, and it’s got a beat.

      1. “Like sand in the hourglass, such are the days of our lives.”
        Mr. So-crates

  3. When I play it I like to talk in a terrible Boston accent. “Powah Ahmah” “Flaymah” “Heayd Shyot” “Snipah Ryefal” “Miyah Lyerk” “Fah Habah will be wicked!”

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