So, it turns out that I can’t draw eyes yet.

I guess that’s why they call it ‘practice.’

But I figure that if I spend ten or twenty minutes a day practicing beginning drawing I’ll eventually get to the point where I can sketch a credible-looking face. If nothing else, this will please my mother and sister; they’re the graphic artists of the family, and they have always stubbornly insisted that I wasn’t nearly as bad as art as I believed that I was. Said belief is partially why I took up writing in the first place, so it’d be kind of mildly ironic if/when I turn out to be mistaken about that.

At any rate… never hurts to try a new thing.

5 thoughts on “So, it turns out that I can’t draw eyes yet.”

  1. You’re lots better at it than I am. Basically, I can’t draw things that look like things, so instead I draw things like dungeon geomorphs.

  2. Self knowledge of a valuable thing.
    😉 I say this as someone who didn’t appreciate his complete lack of drawing talent until 5 semesters into a cartography degree.
    (Also, timing is very important. Three years later, GIS became a thing. Sure, it existed in a rudimentary form while I was there, but could only run on a mainframe, and only grad students and professors had access.)

  3. Any one got a copy of ” Drawing from the Left Side of the Brain ” up back in the attic . It was quite the rage 30 years ago . Even the !Science! made a certain amount of sense .

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