The Deadpool Honest Trailer.

You’ve probably seen it. If you haven’t… DO NOT WATCH IT AT WORK. Unless your boss is cool. Then you can show it to him or her and get points for being hep.

I can’t wait for my youngest child to turn 18 so that I can buy the movie.

2 thoughts on “The Deadpool Honest Trailer.”

  1. Just watched the movie tonight…yes, maybe 16 to see the movie….but definitely earns its R rating. That being said, I really liked the movie. Very well done.

  2. My husband saw it first and thought my youngest (he’s 15) could go see it. We went together to see it and within the first 10 minutes I leaned over and said he wasn’t seeing it, and I repeated that phrase about every 20 minutes or so. He still hasn’t seen it and won’t till he’s 17 and I won’t watch it with him. One of the best of the Marvel movies, very true to the character as written now, but not for the younger crowd. Can’t wait for the NC-17 dvd release, given what was left in I can’t imagine what was left out.

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