OGRE: the video game.

Hear that rumbling, coming from the horizon?  The Ogre approaches:

Ogre, the classic game of future tank warfare, will come to PC via Steam next year in a hex/turn based adaptation by experienced Steam developer and publisher Auroch Digital. Ogre raised nearly a million dollars on Kickstarter for its giant Designer’s Edition, and one of the stretch-goal promises was “We will do a computer game.” Here it comes. Work on the project will begin immediately, and the game should be released in late 2017.

Not a real-time game, then.  But, you know? It might work out, at that.  If it was a RTS I’d be spending most of the game firing blindly at everything at once and then flipping my Ogre into a ditch.  Whether the game would let me do that, or not.

5 thoughts on “OGRE: the video game.”

  1. Fingers crossed! Turn based is definitely the way to go. I still hold out hope for a proper modern Car Wars game. *sigh*

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