I think I should start being more game-specific.

I already am pretty rules-specific with the GURPS stuff (and that one In Nomine thing), but that’s because I’m familiar with the rules and requirements for fan-based materials.  What other rules system-specific material would other people like to see? What would be useful? …Currently-supported game worlds a plus, mind you. I’d eventually like to get paid for this stuff, so practicing on systems that take submissions would be a plus.

6 thoughts on “I think I should start being more game-specific.”

  1. I really dig the 5-axis sanity mechanic of Unknown Armies.
    The BRP of CoC/DG is pretty popular (for good reason). And it’s relatively easy to port things back and forth from UA.
    Savage Worlds is flexible enough to handle most cinematic genres with a basic ruleset, and it seems to be popular.
    I really like the One Roll Engine of Godlike/Wild Talents for supers.
    You’ve got crunchy systems well covered with GURPS.
    I’d advise against Hero system, though. I have a friend who had some of his campaign material officially incorporated into Champions. It was not a good experience for him. He developed a very jaded view of Mr. Long.

  2. Personally, my only games that I’m really invested in are In Nomine, GURPS 3rd ed., Traveller, and 7th Sea. You’re already fully checked out on all these, and I fear that none are really providing any opportunities for paying submissions. I keep vaguely toying with the idea of some sort of urban-fantasy game, but I have nothing that immediately springs to mind in any case — my kids are either going to play some version of the Star Wars RPG, or Munchkin. I suspect you might need to come at it from the other end — what systems are opportunities for paying work, and of those, which ones would people like to see material for.

  3. Pathfinder is a relatively big deal, in this neck of the woods. No clue how they are work/money related, though.

  4. I’d give a once-over on Drive thru rpg and see what’s selling there. I know that Pathfinder is not only big and popular, but because it’s OGL, people put together small self-published stuff all the time, even little custom character classes for 99 cents of pay-what-you-want.

    “Systemless” is also a good way to get around various licensing issues. I know Caleb Stokes wrote a bunch of stuff like that which was all run/playtested/balanced in CoC/DG but was sanded down for publication.

    Personally, I think there’s a good market for little one-shot/bolt-on GUMSHOE adventures like they did with Van Helsing’s Letter, though I don’t believe that’s OGL. But it lets you write up a premise, a bunch of locations and characters (in alternate versions), then connect them together and let the GM manage the rest.

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