This ‘Loaded Dice’ Kickstarter TERRIFIES me.

I would be DOOMED if I signed up for it. DOOMED.  DOOOOOOMED…

God, imagine rolling for magic missile damage with these things. You would be lucky to survive a single combat before ending up on the floor…

5 thoughts on “This ‘Loaded Dice’ Kickstarter TERRIFIES me.”

  1. (blink)
    Yeah, no.
    And I say that as someone who used to knock back a half-rack a gaming session. (Granted, the sessions were marathons. 12 beers in 12 hours is a lot different than twelve beers in under an hour. Also, my liver was used to a lot of abuse at the time. I eventually decided to stop being so stupid.)
    But for the record, a stoneware stein with a lid is one of the best GM props ever. If you need a moment to think, take a drink to keep your voice lubricated.
    It doesn’t matter if there’s anything inside the mug or not.
    (A pipe is even better. Since hardly anyone smokes one anymore, you can fiddle with it almost endlessly–just so long you look purposeful while doing so. And if you’re drawing on it just enough to keep a smoulder, a single bowl of tobacco can last a couple of hours. It also makes the room smell nice. And you can blow the occasional smoke ring. Sadly, there aren’t that many places you can get away with doing it nowadays.)

    1. You reminded me of a dodge of Ulysses Grant’s, when he wanted some time to think over a statement or a reply — he would attempt to light his cigar, and somehow the match would fail to light. He’d spoil match after match while getting his thoughts in order – once you saw him get his cigar lit, you knew he was ready to go.

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