OK, so I need to buy Iron Monkey. [Request for info.]

However, the reviews for this this version suggest that the most common American edition got edited by villains and knaves.  What version of Iron Monkey should I be getting?  – Bearing in mind that I won’t buy special equipment to watch a DVD.

8 thoughts on “OK, so I need to buy Iron Monkey. [Request for info.]”

  1. It *is* a Yuen Wo-Ping (Matrix fight coordinator) choreography deal.
    Seems like the UK and German versions are un-cut, as well as the Hong Kong one.

  2. Greetings from Indiana!
    One last night in a hotel, closing tomorrow morning, and shifting boxes thereafter.
    Internet supposedly will be activated during that period. Everything has gone so smoothly, that I actually expect it to happen.

    1. Or not. They unilaterally changed the time to before closing, which is problematic.
      No internet or TV until Tuesday.

        1. Eh. Between unloading, unpacking, repainting an accent wall my wife finds offensive, and a backlog of books on my Kindle, (not to mention a backlog of writing I need to get back in the habit of doing) it won’t phase me in the slightest.
          Now, all the other members of the family complaining about it, OTOH… (I *really* hate the “I’m bored” whine.)

          1. Turns out it’s for the best. Can’t move in until tomorrow. I own the house now, but have to give the former owners time to vacate.
            One more fricking night in a hotel.

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