I need a good *physical* map of Eastern North America.

It needs to be larger than a standard piece of paper, and I don’t want cities or boundary lines on it: I need to be able to add them on my own.  Color’s not necessary: in fact, black and white would be ideal, but I doubt that they sell black-and-white physical maps at the size that I need it in. I also don’t care to spend sixty bucks on this, either.

Any suggestions?

9 thoughts on “I need a good *physical* map of Eastern North America.”

  1. Google maps in topology mode? That would give you the lay of the land better, but climate and forest/plains/tundra information may be lacking

  2. I can ask the GIS guys at work, but if you can give some hints about what sort of thing you’re looking for, it might help — are you just looking for mountains, lakes, and rivers, or is there anything else you’re curious about? Are you just looking for “east of the Mississippi”? How far north do you care about? When you say “larger than a standard sheet of paper”, are you talking about legal-size, or 24″ by 36″?

    1. Well, it’s no secret, really: I’ve wanted to collate all the references to American Poisoned Land city-states in The Day After Ragnarok RPG for some time now, and I have time now, so I’m doing that. It would be helpful to have a reference map of the area that was of useful size after I was done; but I don’t want one with towns. If I don’t put them on the map, it’s because they aren’t there anymore anyway.

      1. OK — so if there’s no real detail for (as an example) Newfoundland & Labrador, you’re OK with that? Do you also want Central America and the Caribbean included, or is this just the main continental land mass?

        1. It’s… close, but I am suspecting that I will need to eventually do regional maps. Damn my grammar school art teacher: in retrospect, I should have double-minored in history and cartography in college. Something to remember if I ever get access to a time machine.

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