The ‘That Just Ain’t Right’ Life movie trailer.

Welp.  I suspect that my wife is not going to want to watch this one.  She’s not a fan of her gorge rising.

For the record: if your rogue satellite (0:30) is moving like that in relation to your space station, then you officially have more immediate problems than (apparently) hostile xenolife.  To wit, you’re probably about to die because there’s not a chance in Hell that that robot arm ostensibly catching said satellite is designed to take the high velocity beating that it’s about to endure.  Hope you enjoy intersecting a cloud of metal and glass shards, because you’re about to!

Seriously, I don’t even dare show her that. She’ll either laugh until the madness comes, or burn holes through the monitor screen.  Neither is really an optimal result.

11 thoughts on “The ‘That Just Ain’t Right’ Life movie trailer.”

  1. Still Worse: It looks Trope-y and boring. A mashup of Gravity and AndromedaStrain maybe? But Hell, they’re still stuck on “Kill-off-the-token-Black-guy.”

  2. Just confirmed that Ryan Reynolds is in it…look for slo-mo mashups of this film to “Angel of the Morning”.

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