This version of Beauty and the Beast will have the same problem as the animated version.

To wit: the Beast simply looks too awesome.

I’ve talked about this elsewhere (usually in comments sections), but let me point it out here: I totally understand that the goal of the curse was to provide a valuable object lesson in the need to be considerate of others and an admirable person. So noted. Belle falls in love with the Beast, curse is lifted, castle goes back to normal.  But.  If I’m Adam and I ended up with the girl AND still kept my Beast form then life is golden, baby.

I mean, seriously: social ostracizing?  Pshaw.  I go to the King, point out that I’m a seven, eight foot tall mass of muscle, sinew, and death to my enemies, and then ask if the King has any enemies hanging around that he happens to be bored with.  Boom! Instant rehabilitation.  As for the peasants: shoot, they won’t care what I look like once I lower the rents by ten percent and start hunting down bandit gangs and wolf packs.

Just saying, that’s all.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, obviously the rest of the castle needs to be disenchanted. I’m totally on-board with that. But that’s a pretty dang suite of advantages/perks that Adam scored off of that ‘curse.’

2 thoughts on “This version of Beauty and the Beast will have the same problem as the animated version.”

  1. In the comic series “Fables” beast turns back into the beast whenever belle is unhappy with him. Until he replaces the Big Bad Wolf as sherriff and the community magic users fix it so he can turn back and forth at will (for when he NEEDS to be a beast.)

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