Shooting to start soon on Star Wars Han Solo flick.

As in February. Which, according to that Coming Soon link, is when Episode VIII stuff starts revving up in high gear.  Going to be interesting when they finish Episode IX and then the studio won’t have to be alternating Star Wars tracks every year.  Or will they keep doing that anyway?  You can bet that somebody at the Mouse is thinking really hard about that, even as we speak.

As to the Han Solo flick? The biggest question for me is*, will they bring in Peter Mayhew for Chewbacca?  There’s a possibility that they won’t, and it’s a decent one: he’s doing Episode VIII already. Dude’s getting up there in years.  I’d maybe feel differently if JJ Abrams hadn’t brought in Mayhew for Episode VII and done right by him, but he did, so maybe get another guy to play the part for the Solo standalone.

Moe Lane

*Yeah, the leeway I’m giving the people making this flick is pretty much assuming that Rogue One tomorrow Will Not Suck. But the early reviews are good. Gushing, even.  So we’ll see.