I regret to tell you…

…that I have been ORDERED by my wife to take the dang vacation, for once. I am to relax and not foam at the mouth over deadlines, because it is CHRISTMAS and everybody else is taking the week off.  I would contest this… except, of course, I cannot.

I will still check in from time to time, over the next week or so.  When I need to RELAX and HIDE. So, probably a couple of times a day.

5 thoughts on “I regret to tell you…”

  1. The kids have been out of school for a day, and I already want to hide.
    I swear, I could duct tape them the walls on opposite ends of the house, and they’d still find a way to pick fights with each other.

  2. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Here’s to 2017 being a better year, it could scarcely be much worse.

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