Warner Bros. talking to Mel Gibson about Suicide Squad 2.

Apparently Hacksaw Ridge covered a multitude of sins: “Mel Gibson is mulling joining the DC Extended Universe … as a director. Warner Bros. is courting the actor-director to helm Suicide Squad 2 and the sides are early in talks, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. No official offer has been made nor has any commitment.”

…There’s a comment at that original story (yeah, I know) that’s sheer genius. To paraphrase: if this happens, the ensuing situation is pretty much the premise of Suicide Squad, isn’t it? Guy with undeniable talent, but equally undeniably guilty of doing something awful, will have to work for an arguably even more awful organization and do questionable things, in order to get time off for good behavior.  It’s so meta they should have Gibson play himself in the movie.

Moe Lane

PS: I have a beef with what Mel Gibson did, but if he’s repented, then he’s repented.

PPS: I see NerdBastards just put up a link, too.

One thought on “Warner Bros. talking to Mel Gibson about Suicide Squad 2.”

  1. He’d be a truly excellent choice.
    From what little I know of Hollywood and movie stars in general, what he did was a misdemeanor in a land of felonies. Considering that a child rapist is openly feted there, I have limited horror over calling a policewoman rude names.

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