The inevitable So They Found That Zombie Charnel Pit post.

It says something that this could be considered exciting news, huh?

Ten butchered skeletons are thought to offer the first concrete evidence that Medieval people hacked apart corpses to stop them returning as undead.

Cut bones, knife marks and evidence of scorching were found on the human remains, unearthed in a pit near the abandoned village of Wharram Percy, north Yorkshire.

The ten corpses apparently got hacked up over the course of a century, which suggests that it wasn’t any sort of one-time atrocity. And, just to be appropriately detached, yet macabre about (hopefully) posthumous body mutilation: it is far too easy to blame this on zombies. Our current horror paradigm kind of defaults to zombies, these days.  If you use this for nightmare fuel for a story or campaign, it is my humble suggestion that you should probably work on some other explanation…