The ‘Thor: Hot Darn But I Am THERE Ragnarok’ Trailer.

I am absolutely, totally there.  Because while Marvel – to quote Honest Trailers – is drunk on its own power, it’s a blessedly friendly drunk who said “You wanna see Thor and Hulk gladiator it up in the arena, right?  RIGHT? Because so do we!  And we’re gonna get Jeff Goldblum, just because!”

Seriously, this looks far too good to be the third movie in a franchise. Or sub-franchise.  I’m not sure how to score this.

Moe Lane

PS: It lacked only the record scratching sound.

12 thoughts on “The ‘Thor: Hot Darn But I Am THERE Ragnarok’ Trailer.”

      1. Here’s the opening stanza:
        Ah, ah,
        We come from the land of the ice and snow,
        From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow
        The hammer of the gods
        Will drive our ships to new lands,
        To fight the horde, singing and crying,
        Valhalla, I am coming!

  1. Marvel is indeed drunk with power, but they earned the right to be (for now). Has anyone else noticed that GOTG has changed the game?
    I keep telling DCEU apologists ​that they have nothing to crow about for now. If Wonder Woman and Justice League are both good, they can then come back and throw down.

  2. Director: “Jeff, I think you would be great for this part!”
    Goldblum: “What do I have to do?”
    Director: “Just be Jeff Goldblum-like.”

  3. I don’t think they’re drunk with power. I think they have figured out the secret to making good comic book movies. That secret is – hey, let’s make comic book movies that are a lot like comic books.

    I say this because looking at that trailer created the same warm feeling I remember having when opening up a new comic book as a kid.

    Now, if they can FINALLY do ElfQuest, I will be happy. However, I am not holding my breath.

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