The least glamorous aspect of the author’s life: re-filing stuff.

I’d known for some time that it was virtually impossible for me to find anything that was a work-in-progress, of course.  But I’ve been putting off cleaning up my internal files anyway, because laziness.  False laziness, of course: real laziness would have had me do it properly the first time, so that I’d never have to think about it ever again.

Anyway, I’ve been sorting through Google Docs for several hours, and as soon as I’m done eating the ham sandwich that my body eventually flat-out ordered me to make, I’ll be getting right back to it.  The good news?  I actually found stuff that I’ve been looking for! …And a story that I, um, forgotten that I had finished the first draft of. That’s just embarrassing.

Moe Lane

PS: If you’ve been putting off your filing, stop putting it off.