NASA fiddling around with 3-D printed ‘chain mail.’

‘Chain mail’ in quotes because, appearances to the contrary, the stuff isn’t designed for boarding actions. Or battlesuits.  It’s instead a multi-purpose fabric:

The space fabrics have four essential functions: reflectivity, passive heat management, foldability and tensile strength. One side of the fabric reflects light, while the other absorbs it, acting as a means of thermal control. It can fold in many different ways and adapt to shapes while still being able to sustain the force of pulling on it.

I would also note that this stuff isn’t precisely chain mail: it’s more like chain mail with lamellar armor plates affixed on one side.  Although I shouldn’t quibble about this too much… no, wait, it’s NASA.  They bloody well have tons of gamer geeks in their ranks.  Somebody should have said something to the PR department.

Moe Lane

PS: Via Gizmodo… I know, I know.  But this comment was too good to ignore:

Do you want space vikings?! Because that[‘s] how you get…hey wait, I want space vikings. Carry on.


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