Campaign Seed: Project GAMMA YELLOW.

Just my little joke.

Project GAMMA YELLOW – Google Docs



NATO’s GAMMA YELLOW project would be legendary in the conspiracy theory community, if only any of them had ever heard of it.  But there are in fact certain security restrictions that people do take seriously, and the ones involving GAMMA YELLOW fall in that category.  It helps that the classification is at a level that can be beyond the reach of mere ministers of defense, or even some heads of states. For example, no American President has been briefed on GAMMA YELLOW since Jimmy Carter, and that was widely (for given values of ‘widely’) seen as being a horrendous mistake.

Continue reading Campaign Seed: Project GAMMA YELLOW.

I have made a decision on the $425 Nordstrom Mud Pants story.

Background here.  Short version: Nordstrom is selling pre-muddied pants for $425, because fashion?  I’m also not sure if the pants will just stop getting muddy after you wash them, assuming that you wash them.  ‘Dry cleaning’ likewise seems like an oxymoron, here – Anyway, I’ve seen a bunch of people talk about the abstract issues here, including the important issue of what this says about how we think of physical labor, and its place in our society. Continue reading I have made a decision on the $425 Nordstrom Mud Pants story.

So, they’re remaking Stephen King’s Firestarter.

Which leads to an interesting question: Is Hollywood’s intellectually bankrupt habit of recycling old films as bad when the original movie sucked?  Because I remember the original Firestarter.  It wasn’t very good.  A lot of early adaptions of Stephen King books weren’t very good.  So I’m kind of curious to see whether this is a problem with the movies, or Stephen King’s earlier works*.

Moe Lane

*This is not a criticism of Stephen King’s earlier works.  For example, I liked the Firestarter book for what it was, which was a page-turning science fiction / horror novel that wasn’t too full of itself.  But not all books make for good movies. God knows the first Firestarter flick wasn’t.

@sean_rowe concert tonight!

This is the Sean Rowe that I’m going to, which will pretty much eat up my entire evening. It’s in DC, so if you end up going I’ll be, again, the middle-aged geek with no ink who’s drinking a Coke*. Should be fun!

*I have nothing against booze, but I’ll be driving back home after dark and by myself on the Beltway.  I don’t need further complications there, you know what I mean?

Item Seed: The Scablands Map.

Sorta inspired by this.

Scablands Map – Google Docs

The Scablands Map


Description: there are three versions of the Scablands Map. First is what appears to be the original, which appears to been a thin slab of slate with numerous scratchings and markings on it.  Unfortunately, about thirty percent of that Map is missing, and the rest was carefully broken into numerous pieces.  The second Map appears to have been drawn on vellum some time around the beginning of the 17th Century AD, probably by Spanish monks.  That Map is intact, and is stored in a wooden case with extensive scorch damage.  And the third map is dated 1937, and is a product of the WPA’s Federal Art Project.  It is reproduced below: Continue reading Item Seed: The Scablands Map.

Guess it’s time for my reminder to celebrities on Twitter: get off of Twitter.

I mean, I love Twitter and everything, but it’d be hard for me to end my career with one careless Tweet (mostly because my current career is ‘full time dad’). But if your livelihood depends on people you’ve never met assuming that you’re not a jackwagon, stay off of Twitter.  Because the jackwagon lurks within us all, and it can poke through at any moment.

Moe Lane

PS: I am certain that somebody will guess who I’m talking about.

Location Seed: The Kanorado Bypass Anomaly.

Kanorado Bypass Anomaly – Google Docs

The Kanorado Bypass Anomaly


This anomaly exists just east of Kanorado, Kansas, virtually on the border of Colorado.  If someone is driving on I-70 East, they will find an unmarked turnoff that leads to a desultory rest stop. There is always a police car on the site, which is always there to keep people out of what appears to be a storage facility. Authorized personnel will find that the facility hides a ramp to an underground two-lane tunnel.  Anyone who drives through that absolutely straight, ten-mile tunnel will find themselves in an identical fake storage facility – on I-80 West, just past Ogallala, Nebraska.  Just to make it clear: the two towns are roughly one hundred miles apart.

Continue reading Location Seed: The Kanorado Bypass Anomaly.