So, Free RPG Day was a total whiffleball for me.

The store opened at 10 AM, and when I was there in 2016 when I got to the place at noon-thirty or so there was still tons of stuff left. So I figured getting there at quarter after 11 would be OK, right? Nope! Cleaned out within fifteen minutes.  I’d feel worse about this, except that I had two kids in tow and I wouldn’t have enjoyed standing in line with them for a half hour at 9:30 AM or so.

Picked up Pulp Cthulhu and Cthulhu Gloom, though: people have been talking up the former and I played the regular version of the latter last weekend. Gloom is a fun card game to play with three other people, especially if you make it into a story. You should try it out.  Hey, links!

…Sorry. Pulp Cthulhu was an extravagance.  It’d be helpful if the ol’ Amazon kitty was extra-full this month, hey?

One thought on “So, Free RPG Day was a total whiffleball for me.”

  1. I pulled up the map to see where the closest participating store was. There are two within fifteen minutes of me, surely one of them was participating, right?
    The nearest participating store was over an hour away.

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